Mawsons Concrete & Quarries
Mawsons People Slide-HeroBuildingPartnershipsMawsons- Sustainable BannerMawsons- Products & Services for your project BannerMawsons_100% renewable electricity

Mawsons People

Mawsons people are the heart of the business. Through our exceptional customer service you can rely on getting the desired result every time.

Mawsons: building partnerships

We aim to steadily grow our business. Excelling in customer service and innovation while building strong partnerships with our valued customers, staff and suppliers.



A Sustainable future for all of us

We appreciate the natural beauty of the settings in which we live and work and are committed to its preservation.

Products & Services for your project

We offer a wide range of both products and services.
From home landscaping to commercial projects - Mawsons can help.




Find a Mawsons location


Head Office

141 King George Street
Cohuna 3568
(PO Box 66)
Victoria, Australia

Tel     03 5456 2409
Toll Free 1800 423 456

Contact Us

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Welcome to Mawsons

Mawsons is a family oriented business founded in 1912. Mawsons operate hard rock and sand quarries and premixed concrete plants throughout Northern and Central Victoria & Southern NSW.  

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