Mawsons Concrete & Quarries
Enquiries 1800 423 456

To Safety

Hard hats on to safety!

Mawsons give first priority to safety. 

Mawsons is committed to the provision of a healthy and safe working environment for all employees, contractors, customers, visitors and the greater community.  We recognise our moral and legal responsibilities to ensure that our operations do not place any stakeholders at risk of injury, illness or property damage. 

Our people can rely on us. We have policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance with relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation and all its relevant regulations.  

Our objectives are to:

  • Identify, assess and control risks and hazards within the workplace;
  • Provide safe plant, equipment, facilities and systems of work;
  • Comply with legislative requirements and current industry standards;
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors, customers and visitors to ensure their safety;
  • Implement and maintain an OHS Management System;  
  • Improve communication across the group regarding health and safety issues;
  • Provide for the consultation of all stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of health and safety procedures; and
  • Successfully manage the Senior OHS Committee to the benefit of all stakeholders.

Our company’s ultimate objective is to eliminate all accidents that result in personal injury, occupational illness or damage to equipment, product and the environment. You may think this is a tough ask but safety is something we are very serious about – seriously.

Please view our Safety Policy for full details.